
The Anticipation is Killing Me...

2 weeks ago, I had an interview with the HR folks at Invisible Children. It was over an hour long and we talked about everything from the specifics of the internship, all the way through the nitty-gritty about me. It was great, and I thought that I impressed them! Last Wednesday, I was standing in line at 7-eleven getting dinner (don't ask, I'm in college, leave me alone...) when I received a call that said "Invisible Children HQ" on my phone. At this point I am about to crap my pants, thinking, "This is IT! I find out if I'm a Roadie or not!". They were just wanting to set up a second interview. Well alright! At least I made the second round! Round 2 was today! And I think I did really well, being me and answering the questions as best I could and as truthfully as I could. Now it's just a waiting game. They said they would call me before the 26th of November. today's the 11th. Crap.

But one of the encouragements I got just before the interview, minutes before the call from IC, was from a ver old friend of mine from California.

"You will do great! Rely on God for wisdom!! James 1:5 love you and will be praying for you."

James 1:5 reads "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." This was a passage that settled my fluttering heart as I was waiting for a phone call. It's amazing what God puts before you, the friends he gives you and the faithfulness that carries you through everytime.